June 19, 2024
Dear Patients,
With bittersweet emotions, we want to notify you that Dr. Bias is leaving Visionary
Eyecare and Surgery as of September 19, 2024. It has been our greatest pleasure to
take care of you and so many wonderful patients like you over the last 20 years. He will
be remaining in St. Louis to focus on other endeavors. We will be closing this medical
practice effective September 19, 2024. We will continue to make sure that you are
cared for to the highest standard and receive the highest quality of care.
Going forward
What has not changed is our commitment to you. As you and your optometrist make
your decision together on your future surgical care, please consider the Hill Vision
Services team. They are ready and accepting patients at all three Hill Vision locations
with highly trained and well-respected ophthalmologists. Drs. Greg and Geoff Hill have
provided care in the St. Louis community for over 30 years. They will provide you with
the same compassionate, high-quality vision care you have received at Visionary
Eyecare and Surgery in the past.
Hill Vision Services has three locations in the greater St. Louis area to serve you. If you
seek additional information or wish to schedule an appointment, do not hesitate to
contact their scheduling team at 314-567-7771. Additional information is also available
online at www.hillvisionservices.com.

Your records will be retained (as required by Missouri law) for seven years. If you would
like to have your records transferred to another physician, please fill out the attached
records release authorization. If you would like to obtain a copy of your records, there
will be a nominal fee to make copies of your chart. Future records requests can be
directed to 314-983-9800.
It’s been a pleasure serving our community. We wish you all the best for your future
health and happiness.
Your friends at Visionary Eyecare and Surgery